If You Build It, Will They Come? Predicting Consumer Responses to Insurance Benefit Designs
This paper estimates the potential effects if other markets implemented reference pricing programs. We start by estimating the heterogeneous treatment effects by California market and then use a machine learning model to identify the underlying market characteristics that drive the heterogeneity in treatment effects.
We then use nationwide medical claims data from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), along with companies providing data to it—Aetna, Humana, and UnitedHealthcare. From the HCCI data, we identify 3.3 million colonoscopies over the 2009-2013 period. We first use the HCCI data to create market-level price indices used in the machine learning model. We find substantial variation in both within and between market variation in colonoscopy prices and market structure. We then apply the predicted parameters to the nationwide data sample to predict the potential effects of reference pricing programs in each market.
The machine learning model identifies market-level prices and price variation, gastroenterologist concentration, and ASC penetration as the largest predictors of the heterogeneity in savings due to reference pricing. We estimate that if other the program was implemented nationwide, then the per-procedure spending on colonoscopies would decrease by approximately 7%. The per-procedure savings translate to an approximately $100 million reduction in medical spending if applied to all colonoscopies in the HCCI data. Using a particular example of reference pricing for colonoscopy procedures, this paper demonstrates how machine learning methods can be used to rigorously make out-of-sample predictions.