The Economics of Food Choice and Obesity

Monday, June 13, 2016: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
419 (Fisher-Bennett Hall)
Ashlesha Datar

Obesity remains an urgent public health problem in the U.S. and many other countries worldwide. This session consists of three papers on the topic of the economics of food choice and obesity. First, Harding presents a paper that examines the food purchasing behavior of low-income households and households that differ in observable health. Second, Rusty Tchernis presents a paper that estimates the effect of the SNAP program on obesity. Finally, Chuck Courtemanche presents on the impact of calorie label laws on BMI.

8:30 AM
8:50 AM
Restaurant Calorie Posting Mandates, Obesity, and Consumer Welfare

Author(s): Charles Courtemanche; Michael Price; Marietou Ouayogode

Discussant: Eric M VanEpps

9:10 AM
Measuring Effects of SNAP on Obesity at the Intensive Margin

Author(s): Lorenzo Almada; Rusty Tchernis

Discussant: Chad Meyerhoefer

See more of: Obesity