
Randomized Interventions to Increase Health Insurance Takeup

Wednesday, June 26, 2019: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Hoover - Mezzanine Level (Marriott Wardman Park Hotel)
Adam Sacarny
10:00 AM
Fight the [Statistical] Power: Imperfect Compliance and Treatment Effect Estimation

Author(s): Stephen Coussens

Discussant: Caitlin Carroll

10:30 AM
Woodwork Effects of Medicaid Expansions: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment

Author(s): Adam Sacarny; Amy Nadya Finkelstein; Katherine Baicker

Discussant: Sarah Miller

11:00 AM
Nudging Take-up of Subsidized Insurance: Evidence from Massachusetts

Author(s): Timothy J. Layton; Keith Ericson; Adam Sacarny; Adrianna McIntyre

Discussant: Michael Geruso