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Subject: 2020 ASHEcon Conference - Submission Status
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Dear Dajung,

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that a session in which you are listed as a participant has been accepted for presentation at the 2020 ASHEcon Conference in St. Louis, MO!

The ASHEcon Program Committee has worked diligently to put together an exciting conference and we are delighted to include your session as part of our program.  If you submitted more than one abstract or session, the link below will have ALL the papers/sessions that were accepted for the 2020 ASHEcon Conference in St. Louis; we are not sending out an acceptance email for each accepted abstract or session.   This is the only email you’ll receive for all your acceptances. 

Link to all session details: 

Click Here to Access Speaker Center

Please note that ASHEcon will not be able to modify the date or time scheduled for your session. If you are unable to attend the conference, please let us know,

For those sessions that require chairs and discussants and do not yet include both a chair and discussant(s), the Program Committee will be working to fill these positions as soon as possible. Please feel free to submit recommendations to the ASHEcon office for people to serve in these roles on the panel, keeping in mind that they should not be paper presenters on this session.

Important Dates to Remember

February 27 - Registration opens at, hotel reservations, and the Digital preliminary program, is also available.

March 10th – Speaker participation confirmation deadline

April 2nd - Early registration deadline

April 30th – Deadline for presenters to make changes to abstracts, affiliations, titles, etc.

May 14th - Hotel reservation deadline

May 21st – Final or updated papers due to session chair & discussant

May 22nd – Pre-registration deadline

June 7-10th – 9th Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists


All presenting authors, chairs, discussants, speakers, and moderators will be required to confirm their participation in the conference no later than March 15.  Information on hotel reservations, and the digital preliminary program, will be available on on February 27.

Early registration is available to all participants here.  We encourage all participants to register as early as possible; please note that early registration ends on April 2nd and registration rates will increase after that. 

Session and Abstract Information

If you would like to make any changes to your session title and abstract, please do so no later than April 30.  Presenting authors are required to submit their abstracts to chairs and discussants no later than May 22 to give them adequate time to review and prepare comments. Papers will be posted on the ASHEcon website.

In order to best prepare for your session, please read the presentation guidelines on

A/V Information

Projectors and screens will be available for your presentation needs. However, all presenters will need to supply their own laptop to access their presentation. 

As always, please check the ASHEcon website and follow ASHEcon on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information on the 2020 ASHEcon Conference.

Congratulations once again and thank you for your contribution to the conference this year. We look forward to seeing you in St. Louis, MO!


Marty Gaynor, Scientific Chair