Effects of a National Health Information Technology on Prescription Drug Use and Abuse

Wednesday, June 13, 2018: 10:00 AM
Azalea - Garden Level (Emory Conference Center Hotel)

Presenter: Liisa Laine

Co-Authors: Petri Böckerman; Mika Kortelainen; Mikko Nurminen; Tanja Saxell

Discussant: Lucy Xiaolu Wang

We examine how electronic prescriptions affect the use and abuse of benzodiazepines, one of the most widely prescribed psychoactive medications in the world. We exploit a plausibly exogenous rollout of a national e-prescription system in Finland. Using rich individual-level register data, we find that the reform increased prescription drug abuse among patients at risk for prescription drug abuse. The effect arises from an easier renewal of e-prescriptions and increased prescription drug utilization. Our results highlight the unintended consequences of policies that improve renewal of prescriptions and medical access in general.