Estimating the Causal Relationship between Hospital Costs and Quality Measures
This paper estimates the causal relationship between the quality measures and hospital costs. The causal relationship is identified using the instrumental variable technique of Doyle, Graves, Gruber, and Kleiner (JPE 2015) and Doyle, Graves, and Gruber (NBER working paper 2017). They develop an instrument for hospital selection based on plausibly exogenous assignment to different ambulance companies (which have different preferences for hospitals). Doyle, Graves, Gruber, and Kleiner (JPE 2015) look at whether hospitals that have higher Medicare reimbursements have better outcomes. Doyle, Graves, and Gruber (NBER working paper 2017) look at the relationship between the Hospital Compare quality measures and outcome measures.
This paper uses Medicare claims data for the years 2011-2015. Data on hospital admissions is contained in the Inpatient file, and ambulance billing data are contained in the Outpatient and Carrier files. The claims data are linked to hospital specific cost (hospital cost reports) and quality data (Hospital Compare). Preliminary results suggest a relationship between cost and quality but is sensitive to the cost and quality measures used. A complicating factor in the analysis is that CMS began phasing in the use of quality measures in hospital reimbursements during this period.