Organizational Index: M
Organizational Index: M
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
Mahidol University
Makerere University
Marquette University
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Generic Drugs
- Presidential Address, Awards & Membership Luncheon: How Can Health Economists Best Contribute to Health Care Reform?
- Does Higher Cost-sharing of Employer-provided Health Insurance Plans Impact Workers’ Compensation Claiming?
- Subsidizing Health Insurance for Low-Income Adults: Evidence from Massachusetts
- A Doctor Will See You Now: Physician-Patient Relationships and Clinical Decisions
- Improving the Quality of Choices in Health Insurance Markets
- Entry, Exit, and Reentry in Mature U.S. Generic Product Markets, 2004-2016
Mathematica Policy Research
- The Impact of the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions on Applications for Federal Disability Benefits
- The Impact of ACA Medicaid Expansions on the Employment of Adults with Disabilities
- The Impact of the Philadelphia Beverage Tax on Prices, Household Purchases, and Child and Adult Consumption
- Do Short-term Changes in Funding Improve Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes: Evidence from the ARRA
- Impact of the SSB Tax in Boulder on Prices
- Contemporaneous and Long-term Effects of Children’s Public Health Insurance Expansions on SSI
Mayo Clinic
Medical College of Wisconsin
Miami University
- Helping Nurses or Hurting Patients: The Effect of Workplace Inspections in Nursing Facilities
- Consolidation in the Dental Industry: A Closer Look at Dental Payers and Providers
- Occupational Licensing of Social Services and Nursing Home Quality: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
- Medicare Payment to Skilled Nursing Facilities: The Consequences of the Three-Day Rule
- Private Equity Ownership and Healthcare Billing Practices: The Case of Medicare Reimbursed Post-Acute Care in SNFs
Michigan State University
- Opioids and Organs: How Overdoses Affect the Supply of Donors, Waiting Lists, and Transplant Outcomes
- Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Waitlisting for Kidney Transplantation before and after the New National Kidney Allocation System
- Occupational Licensing of Social Services and Nursing Home Quality: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
- Medicare Payment to Skilled Nursing Facilities: The Consequences of the Three-Day Rule
- Does Medicare Reduce Medical Debt?